Road conditions are slippery and unsafe to collect. Unfortunately the warmer weather and rain has not improved conditions – rather at this point it has made it more difficult as the snow has just become heavier.
Will be reviewed each hour to see if weather and road conditions change for safe collection.
For the most part, cul-de sacs, dead end roads, streets with inclines or declines, streets with tights passages due to snow banks creating modified street parking will most likely not be attempted for collection
Recycling Collection: – Currently on hold due to icy road conditions. Rural collection will be suspended until next week. Various areas in Wednesday Zone and Thursday Zone to be serviced.
Garbage Cart Collection – Still outstanding areas:
9500 Blk 211A St – cul-de-sac
9500 Blk 212 St – cul-de-sac
Crew will try to collect later in the day Friday January 19, 2024